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加拿大金融作业代写 多伦多

Keywords:加拿大金融作业代写 多伦多

多伦多投资30亿美元建造公园和其他土地,包括1600多个公园和2万英亩的公园,70多个狗公园,700多个运动场等等。13%的城市被公园和自然空间占据,每周接待100多万游客。另外,多伦多是一个多元化的地方,不同口音的人聚在一起,享受不同的节日,比如电影节和音乐节。此外,多伦多还有不同的运动队,如多伦多蓝鸟队、多伦多枫叶队、多伦多猛龙队等,都是国际水平的。高质量产品的运营成本较低。亚马逊在多伦多的交通便利,来自顶尖大学的高素质劳动力,稳定强劲的国内生产总值,多样化的商业环境和高质量的生活,将使亚马逊更有能力在多伦多创造收入和利润。在未来与亚马逊的讨论中,多伦多必须提供一些激励计划。应概述奖励的类型和数额。加拿大是一个混合经济体系,政府扮演着收税者和监管者的角色。多伦多用纳税人的钱与亚马逊联姻或减少亚马逊的税收是不合适的,因此这不是激励的一部分。相反,多伦多可以为雇主培训员工提供直接的经济支持,也可以为亚马逊从大学或学院雇佣合作学生提供经济支持。另外,Toronto应该提供一个构建Amazon HQ2的地点列表。此外,为了满足亚马逊的需求,多伦多可能需要建设更多的基础设施,如道路和高速公路。
加拿大金融作业代写 多伦多
Toronto invested $3 billion dollars on building parks and other land including more than 1,600 parks and 20,000 acres of parks, more than 70 dog parks, more than 700 sports fields and so on. Thirteen percent of the city is occupied by parks and natural Spaces, hosting more than one million visitors a week. Also, Toronto is a place for diversity, people with different accents get together and enjoy different festivals together like film festival and music festivals. In addition, Toronto has different sports team like Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Raptors, etc. on an international level .Toronto is a cost-effective city. There will be low operating costs for high qualities. Amazon will be better able to generate revenue and profits in Toronto because of its convenient transportation, well-educated labour forces from top universities, stable and strong GDP, diverse business environment and high living quality.In future discussion with Amazon, Toronto has to offer some incentives programs. Type of incentives and the amount should be outlined. Canada is mixed economy system, the government plays its role as a tax collector and a regulator. It is not appropriate that Toronto bride Amazon with taxpayer dollars or reduce Amazon’s taxation, therefore this is not appropriate to be part of the incentives. Instead, Toronto could offer direct financial support to employers for training employees and financial support for Amazon to hire co-op students from universities or colleges. In addition, Toronto should provide a list of places for building Amazon’s HQ2. Also, in order to meet Amazon’s requirements, Toronto may need to build more infrastructure like roads and highways.

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