
The history of mathematics and its symbiosis with the development of advanced societies is a missing dimension in its teaching, at all levels.The evidence is in the Smith Report and it seems that this could be the single most important factor which hinders the teaching and student participant of mathematics. While there has been progress in the development and training of mathematics teachers, it has not been enough. There are those who still teach the subject without a post A-Level qualification and it would seem that it is necessary to implement a more coherent and stringent procedure for the training and professional development of the mathematics teachers. The Smith Report was a crucial document which initiated the need for reform within the teaching of mathematics.It is necessary for further reports and investigations into the unresolved issues which have been reported in the Smith Report. In order to implement the findings and recommendations from the Smith Report and any future reports, it is necessary for the Government and its agencies to take on board any recommendations which could improve the curriculum and teacher training in this subject. It is also necessary for outside agencies to be involved in further research so as to not create a bias on one viewpoint.