
执行功能是高层次的能力,影响更多的基本能力,如注意力,记忆力和运动技能(精神障碍百科全书,2010)。Stixrud博士,心理学家,描述执行功能的一套流程,包括计划、组织能力,保持一种心理定势,选择性注意,和抑制控制,大脑的前额叶区域专业化”(Eberle,2003)。额叶是大脑皮层的谎言的,是位于脑前部的大部分;皮质的网站在大脑中的较低层次的过程如感觉、知觉加工和集成的思想,记忆和能力,和行动规划和启动(精神障碍、2010百科)。执行功能障碍是脑外伤后认知功能障碍的最常见的和禁用的方面之一(TBI),并可能包括赤字在推理、规划、概念形成、心理灵活性,注意力和意识方面的,有目的的行为(麦当劳,却与saykin,2002),执行功能技能要求参与日常生活活动,制定目标,计划实现这些目标的策略和自我评估在这些活动中(Lezak,1982,在Rocke,海斯,爱德华兹& Berg,2008引)。这样,EF有助于成功的工作和学校,让人们管理日常生活的压力。执行功能的例子是规划你明天要做的事情或决定的环境关注或决定如何应对具有挑战性的任务,那就是,学生需要学习如何计划未来,如何收集合适的材料,学校的任务,如何安排完成任务的步骤和如何跟踪他们的工作(Lerner和约翰,2009)。EF还能使人们抑制不适当的行为。与EF赤字经常体验在日常的和有意义的活动参与的困境儿童和青少年(Biederman,Monuteaux,多伊尔,Seidman,Wilens,和费雷罗,2004,引述洛克et al.,2008)。执行功能差的人经常会与其他人互动,因为他们可能会说或做一些奇怪或冒犯他人的事情。大多数人经历的冲动做或说的事情,可能给他们带来麻烦,如评论负一个人的外表,或侮辱一个权威人物像老板或警察;行政职能,从而适应社会的能力的一个重要组成部分(心理障碍、2010百科)。
Executive functions are high-level abilities that influence more basic abilities like attention, memory and motor skills (Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders, 2010). Dr. Stixrud, a psychologist, described executive functioning as a set of processes that include "planning, organisational skill, maintaining a mental set, selective attention, and inhibitory control - for which the prefrontal regions of the brain are specialised" (Eberle, 2003). The frontal lobes are the large portions of the brain cortex that lie near the front of the brain; the cortex is the site in the brain where lower level processes like sensation and perception are processed and integrated into thoughts, memories and abilities, and actions are planned and initiated (Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders, 2010). Executive dysfunction is also among the most common and disabling aspects of cognitive impairment following traumatic brain injury (TBI), and may include deficits in reasoning, planning, concept formation, mental flexibility, aspects of attention and awareness, and purposeful behaviour (McDonald, Flashman & Saykin, 2002).Executive functioning skills are required to participate in everyday life activities to formulate goals, to plan strategies to achieve those goals and to self-evaluate during these activities (Lezak, 1982, as cited in Rocke, Hays, Edwards & Berg, 2008). In this way, EF contributes to success in work and school and allows people to manage the stresses of daily life. Examples of executive functions are planning what one will do tomorrow or deciding things in the environment to pay attention to or deciding how to respond to a challenging task, that is, students need to learn how to plan ahead, how to gather appropriate materials for school tasks, how to prioritise the steps to complete an assignment and how to keep track of their work (Lerner & Johns, 2009). EF also enables people to inhibit inappropriate behaviours. Children and adolescents with EF deficits often experience difficulties with participation in everyday and meaningful activities (Biederman, Monuteaux, Doyle, Seidman, Wilens, & Ferrero, 2004, as cited in Rocke et al., 2008). People with poor executive functions often have problems interacting with other people since they may say or do things which are bizarre or offensive to others. Most people experience impulses to do or say things that could get them in trouble, such as commenting negatively on someone's appearance, or insulting an authority figure like a boss or police officer; executive functions are thus an important component of the ability to fit in socially (Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders, 2010).