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作为澳大利亚最大的铁路货运商,QR国家有超过145年的经验。QR国家完成了有史以来最大的投资历史上,一个11亿美元的基础设施项目和交付时间和预算,太。它的服务覆盖五个国家,包括煤炭、铁矿石和其他矿产资源以及农业和一般货物。它经营和管理的煤炭网络由约2300公里的重载基础设施。此外,它还提供了一个套餐服务铁路:从设计、工程、施工、管理维护(QR国家报告,2011)。不同的铁路线,连接昆士兰港和格莱斯顿港如麦基多矿山和搬运工。每年它运输价值超过500亿美元的澳大利亚出口运输货物。它获得了36亿美元的盈利收入。它公布了二零二的税后净利润增加了4亿4100万美元。底层的息税前利润(EBIT)增加了百分之52,与上年相比,达到5亿8400万美元。(见图4和图5)。 “我去五金店花了几块钱的触发机制,”Mick Flenady,一个经验丰富的司机为QR国家说(主。一、2010)。他是对的,他负责的机制被削减到35分钟,但仍然安全。这只是一个小小的改变的事情在QR民族文化建构的过程。渐渐地,QR国家正将自己从一个政府的垄断企业以客户为中心考虑一切可能需要的人和几乎所有的员工都很高兴来为公司理念。因此,客户给予更多的信任和欢迎更多的QR国家。让另一个国家成功的QR。


As Australia’s largest rail freight operator, QR National has more than 145 years experience. QR National has completed the largest investment ever in history, a 1.1 billion dollar infrastructure project and delivered on time and the budget, too. Its service covers across five nations, including coal, iron ore and other mineral resources as well as agriculture and general freight goods. It operates and manages a coal network consists of about 2,300 kilometers heavy haul infrastructure. In addition, it also provides one packages service about rail: from design, engineering, construction, management to maintenance (QR National Report, 2011). Its various rail lines have connect multiple mines and porters in Queensland such as Macky harbor and Gladstone harbor. Each year it transport more than 50 billion dollar worth of Australia export transport freight. and it has gained a profitable revenue of 3.6 billion dollar. It posted an increase of twenty two percent with after tax net profit of 441 million dollar. The Underlying Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) increased 52 percent comparing with the previous year, reaching 584 million dollar. (see Figure 4 and Figure 5).
"I went to the hardware store and spent a few bucks on a trigger mechanism," Mick Flenady, a veteran driver works for QR National said (Main. A, 2010). And he was right, the mechanism he was responsible for was cut down to 35 minutes but still safe. This is just one tiny change thing in the cultural construction process of QR National. Gradually, QR National is transforming itself from a government minded monopoly corporation to a customer-centric considering all things people may need and almost all of its employees would glad to come up with ideas for the company. As a result, customers give more trust to QR National and welcome it more. That makes another element to QR National’s success.

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