
Production, distribution, and consumption of good and service were a branches of economics in science. What is ecomomy system? Economy system is a planned organization and structure of production. Allocate of economic inputs, distribute of economic outputs and consumption of goods and services in an economy. Economy system are separated into three major economy thats named planned economy, mixed economy and lastly free market economy. There are three different types of organization economy plan that also very tight and some confortable and some of economy plan is very freedom. I told the three economy system, this is first economy system called planned or command economy, this system is fully controlled by the goverment. There are no arguement or such things in that country because the country is very strict and on the mission and vision to achieve so when the country planned system the mission and vision will achieve more quickly. Free Market Economy is an system based on power of division of labour in which the prices of the goods and services are determined in a free prices system set by supply and demand and the decision taken by individual household and firms and with no goverment intervention. The price also as how much they produce. Mixed ecomony were controlled by partly goverment and partly through the market.