
A common factor for all entrepreneurs is the challenge of starting a business, be it through inventing something, looking for a new idea within a business, finding the right opportunity to break into a business or buying into a franchise. And these entire take planning - organizing all the aspects so that the entrepreneur can reach his or her goals. All entrepreneurs are also faced with financing their entrepreneurial venture. Even entrepreneurs usually are faced with financial hurdles within corporate rules. So unless the venture comes from one's own pocket getting money is a challenge that requires preparing funding proposals or applications to be written and/or presented for loans, venture capital, angel investors or even IPO's. There is so much information written about these stages of an entrepreneurial venture that sorting the good from the bad is an overwhelming challenge in and of itself. Once past those challenges, however, one would think there would be smooth sailing. Given the business has a good plan; everything should proceed with minor glitches. However, the implementation stage seems to be the real make-or-break point of an entrepreneurial venture. There are hypotheses that part of the problem is that idea people and implementation people are very different breeds of people, but there are enough exceptions to that rule that is a difficult position to defend. More realistic, perhaps, is that there are such a wide variety of skills needed at the implementation stage, that no one person can have the skills to manage all the functions well. The real talent is for entrepreneurs to recognize what they do well and then find employees or subcontractors who can fill the gaps.