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加拿大作业代写 美国戏剧《推销员之死》

Keywords:加拿大作业代写 美国戏剧《推销员之死》

四十多年来,观众和读者已被拉入洛曼家庭的生活,并经常在这个家庭中找到自己的父母和自己。阿瑟·米勒(Arthur Miller)的经典美国戏剧《推销员之死》(Death of a Salesman)揭示了性别关系与功能失调的家庭行为之间的关系。这出戏写得很好,情节很有创意;然而,这完全是在贬低女性。在阿瑟·米勒(Arthur Miller)的《推销员之死》(the Death of a salesman)中,我们看到了女性被男性对待的物化过程。作者描绘了这个在琳达的常数情感虐待表明她是威利不重要,快乐,他的行为和语句是用来表明,女性很容易操纵,威利和本认为他们的父亲是一个喜欢冒险的人,把他们的母亲那样重要的展示男性的优势。在整部剧中,我们看到了威利、比夫和Happy对待女人的方式,在那段时间里,男人这样对待女人是很正常的。在19世纪和20世纪早期,妇女受到轻视,她们被禁止做任何使她们离开家的事情。女人被看作是家庭主妇,做饭、打扫、养育和照顾孩子,而男人则在外面工作,过着可以为所欲为的生活。男人不把女人看作是人,而是供他们娱乐的动物。女性被视为脆弱而脆弱的生物,不像男性那么重要,没有权力和控制力。
加拿大作业代写 美国戏剧《推销员之死》
For over forty years audiences and readers have been drawn into the lives of the Loman family and have often found in that family their own parents and themselves. Arthur Miller’s classic American play, Death of a Salesman, exposes the relationship between gender relationships and dysfunctional family behaviours. The play was well written with plenty of creative plot ideas; however, it completely degrades women. Throughout Arthur Miller’s Death of a salesman, we see the women being objectified through their treatment at the hands of men. The author portrays this in Linda’s constant emotional abuse to show that she is unimportant to Willy, Happy and his actions and statements are used to show that women are easily manipulated, Willy and Ben thinking of their father as an adventurous man while treating their mother as less significant to show men’s superiority.  All through the play, we see the way that Willy, Biff, and Happy treat women, and during that time period, it was normal for men to be treating women that way. In the nineteenth and early twentieth-century women were looked down upon, they were restricted from doing anything that made them leave the house. Women were seen as the housekeepers, having to cook, clean, have and take care of children, whereas the men would be outside working, and living a life where they could do anything they pleased. Men did not see women as persons, but rather as creatures for their amusement. Females were treated as fragile and delicate beings and were not nearly as important as men and had no power or control. 

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