加拿大论文代写 患有抑郁症的人
Keywords:加拿大论文代写 患有抑郁症的人

加拿大论文代写 患有抑郁症的人
Can a person with depression experience both an enhancing cognitive style and a negative cognitive style simultaneously? And if so, how would the interaction of both cognitive styles impact their recovery from depressive symptomatology. While many studies on recovery from depression have often been focused on treatment outcomes from different interventions, few have examined the cognitive mechanisms that may be at play in the recovery process of depression. The following investigation seeks to do this by further assessing Needles and Abramson’s (1990) recovery model among depressed college students by assessing the mediating role of hopelessness within the cognitive style and life events interactions. Based on the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) prevalence rates of depression, it was found that 1 in 10 young adults between ages 18-25 experiences major depressive episodes (2016). Given that most traditional college students are within this age group, they are an age group at high risk for developing depression. In addition to the cognitive vulnerabilities one can have towards depression no matter their age group, young adults are often under a lot of pressure and stress during their time in college. Given that NIMH has noted that young adults have the highest prevalence rates for depressive episodes, it is important to begin exploring how cognitive mechanisms are involved particularly for this age group in the general population.