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其他的视觉变化,可能象征着连接到一个“中产阶级”的话语可以更正式,如标牌。研究路标的扩散(伊顿,2003)带来的问题是谁是目标。其他问题,如更快的汽车,扩展路网,减少地方知识和理事会的“照顾义务”都可以参与这些参数。然而,他们也可以被看作是一个占主导地位的话语,或霸权,如布迪厄将描述它的应用,在农村人口。例如,传入的价值系统可以被看作是需要包括熟悉的陈述,从城市环境,如更严格的道路控制措施(限速,警告标志等)所需的更高的人口密度。乡村经济也是这些变化的证据,无论是衰落还是扩张。例如,一方面,对当地供应商的期望可能需要更多样化的股票持有,而另一方面,当地供应商可能不再是一个特定区域的主要供应商,因此松散的业务,以更大的设施。 这两种形式的农村身份之间的混乱进一步暴露时,如集约农业的情况下得到审查,或当疾病,如脚和嘴罢工。健康生活的理想如此频繁地与农村的成见联系在一起,突然被农村经济的现实所挑战。然而,可以说,农村的象征性表现使用中产阶级教育的灵活性,使这些概念的改变旋转,例如图像的四面楚歌农村需要所有的支持,它可以得到。虽然这听起来很轻率,作为符号是在这篇文章的心,导入的图像应用到现实需要被定性和这可以通过检查出版物和公开声明。

Other visual changes that may symbolise connections to a 'middle class' discourse can be more official, such as signage. Studies into the proliferation of road signs (Eaton, 2003) bring into the question of who is being targeted. Other issues such as faster cars, extended road network, less local knowledge and a council 'duty of care' can all be involved within these parameters. However, they can also be viewed as the application of a dominant discourse, or hegemony as Bourdieu would describe it, on a rural population. For example, the incoming value system can be seen as needing to include familiar representations from urban environments, such as the tighter road control measures (speed limits, warning signs etc) required by higher human population density. Village economies are also evidence of these changes, both in decline and expansion. For example, on the one hand expectations placed on local providers may require a more varied stock holding whilst on the other a local provider may no longer be the main supplier for a specific area and therefore loose business to larger facilities.
The confusion between the two forms of rural identity is further exposed when situations such as intensive farming are brought under scrutiny, or when disease such as Foot and Mouth strikes. The ideals of healthy living so frequently connected with rural stereotypes is suddenly challenged by the reality of a rural economy. However, it could be said that the symbolic representation of the countryside uses the flexibility of middle class education to put an altered spin on these concepts, for example the image becomes on of the embattled countryside needing all the support it can get. Whilst this sounds flippant, as symbology is at the heart of this essay, the imported images applied to the reality need to be viewed qualitatively and this can be done through examining publications and public statements.

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