
Branding has been described and defined in many ways by different people who people who project and enliven the concept with different interpretations and meaning. Dennis and Harris (2002) suggest that “A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these which is used to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of the competitors” (132). The implication of generating a specific brand in a postmodern scenario is proving to be increasingly difficult for marketers. The concept of “differentiating” a brand from the rest of the competition is precisely what is making the concept of branding increasingly difficult. The increasing cynicism over branding amongst consumers, exacerbated by the breadth and the depth of branding strategies that prioritize style and aesthetic over the actual tangible, manufactured end-product is, arguably, making the process of differentiation among brands increasingly difficult to establish. An alternative definition of branding by Dennis and Harries (2002) argues that “Branding reaches beyond immediate commercial objectives and touches the soul” (132). Albeit this definition is harder to define, it touches upon the unique strategies of corporate branding, to the extent that what is being sold is not a product in the simplest sense of the term, but a lifestyle, a way of being and a philosophy that determinedly eludes simplistic definition. The very intangibility of the brand is precisely what many of the most successful brands in late-capitalist society thrive upon. Nike’s “Just Do It” and Coca-Cola’s “The Real Thing” simultaneously invoke an image while they skirt around the concretised, tangible nature of the product in itself. “Just Do It” could effectively mean anything that you ascribe to it. “The Real Thing”, is as meaningless as it is profound. Yet it is also this intangibility and the ephemeral nature of the brand which threatens, according to some prominent academics and writers, the very significance of the brand itself in a postmodern consumer society.