
From the literature reviewed, although the use of behavioural management skills have been shown to be effective in reducing and managing challenging behaviour behavioural interventions are not used consistently in the treatment of challenging behaviour. In the literature reviewed it was concluded that a variety of reasons exist as to why the services failed to use evidence-based behavioural approaches for challenging behaviour management. These reasons included limited staff knowledge and limited resources. Similarly, it was suggested that behavioural interventions were not available for staff (Emerson, et al 2000, p198). Another reason as suggested by Bosch (2001, p169) is that good practice dictates that successful interventions for challenging behaviour require a multidisciplinary approach and draw on the skills of many different professionals. After reviewing a paper by Lindsay and Hastings (2004, p219) it is proposed that as the behavioural guidelines and management strategies are based on psychological principles, clinical psychologists should play a key role in supporting learning disability staff in the training and use of behavioural management skills. However, it is argued that clinical psychologists working within learning disability services are a scare resource. Debatably, it is of the utmost importance that behaviour management strategies are taught, learnt and utilised so that the incidence of the use of physical restraint decreases.