
伟大的圣经,出版于1539,是第一本圣经授权使用在英国教会。标题页上描绘了亨利八世国王登基,把圣经的大主教Cranmer和克伦威尔要分给人。[ 7 ]亨利,尽管他与天主教会和随后的惩罚的突破,是对宗教渗透明确声明为国家和个人生活的各个方面。当伊丽莎白女王在1552即位时,《共同祈祷书》被建立起来,试图团结一个因宗教冲突而四分五裂的国家。在莎士比亚的戏剧中,他对《圣经》和《普通祈祷书》都很熟悉。他整个作品中的典故都是一种共同的社会语言,是基于英国圣公会的教义而不是天主教教义。莎士比亚出生于天主教家庭,受天主教教师的教育,拒绝天主教支持英格兰教会。出生在一个宗教争论的时期,莎士比亚的职业生涯会被破坏,如果他自称为天主教徒。伊丽莎白女王登基1558年的她坚定的天主教同父异母的妹妹,血腥的五年统治后的玛丽王后,与她的崛起的英国人寻求宗教的稳定性。伊丽莎白建立了一个单一的宗教的英国,试图团结的派别,而天主教徒并没有迫害新教徒在玛丽,他们仍然保留了削弱的社会和政治地位。天主教的认同意味着教皇的忠诚而不是对王冠的忠诚。
The Great Bible, published in 1539, was the first bible authorised for use in the Church of England. The title page depicts King Henry VIII enthroned, handing the Bible to Archbishop Cranmer and Cromwell to be distributed among the people.[7] Henry, despite his break with the Catholic Church and subsequent excommunication, was making a clear statement on the permeability of religion into every aspect of state and individual life. As Queen Elizabeth took the throne in 1552, the Book of Common Prayer was instituted in an attempt to unite a country torn apart by religious conflict. It is evidenced in Shakespeare’s plays that he was familiar with both the Great Bible and the Book of Common Prayer. Allusions to both throughout his works suggested a shared social language, based on the teachings of the Anglican Church rather than Catholic doctrine.Shakespeare, born into a Catholic family and educated by Catholic teachers, rejected Catholicism in favour of the Church of England. Born into a period of religious controversy, Shakespeare’s career would have been undermined had he identified himself as Catholic. Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne in 1558 after the bloody five year rule of her staunchly Catholic half-sister, Queen Mary, and with her ascendance the English people sought religious stability. Elizabeth instituted a single religion of England in an attempt to unite the factions, and while Catholics were not persecuted as Protestants were under Mary, they still retained a diminished social and political status. Catholic identification signified papal allegiance rather than loyalty to the Crown.