
在一个场景中一群德国年轻人走在一块废地上非常相似的地区,荷马在Postdamer广场。不同年龄的荷马,这些年轻人没有回忆的老柏林的个人,不过他们承认彼得·福克为科伦坡。这里的建议是,美国的流行文化剥夺了德国年轻人想要收回自己民族文化的愿望。这是一个视觉演示了阿多诺的“文化工业”。这些个性化的年轻人不了解自己的文化是美国流行文化的增殖,保持政治冷漠。 更有趣的是,彩色柏林忽然更商业的柏林路。由大卫·哈维描述的柏林的单色照片变得充满活力,但当他走在街上的夜晚,颜色来自霓虹灯招牌和商店的窗口。只有德语把他们和西方世界的任何一个城市分开了。虽然城市变得更加生动的颜色,也公平地说,它失去了它的个性,西方商业美学。
In one scene a gang of German youths are walking over a plot of waste ground very similar to the area that Homer searched for Postdamer Platz. Unlike the aged Homer, these youths have no recollection of the individual Berlin of old, they do however recognise Peter Falk as Colombo. The suggestion here is that American popular culture has robbed the German youth of the desire to reclaim their own national culture. This is a visual demonstration of Adorno’s ‘culture industry.’ These individualised youths who have no knowledge of their own culture are kept politically apathetic by the proliferation of American popular culture.
What is also interesting is the way that the colorized Berlin is suddenly a much more commercial Berlin. The monochrome photographed Berlin described by David Harvey becomes vibrant, but as he walks the streets at night the colour emanates from neon signs and shop windows. It is only the German language that separates them from any other city in the western world. Although the city becomes more vivid in colour, it is also fair to say that it losses much of its individuality to a western commercial aesthetic.