
An employee has the right to request to continue in their employment after the proposed date of retirement. Such a request must be made in writing, between 12 months and 6 weeks before the intended date of retirement. The employer is then under a duty to meet with the employee to consider his or her request within a reasonable timeframe after receiving it, unless this is not reasonably practicable. Once the meeting has taken place, the employer must notify the employee of their written decision as soon as possible (usually within two weeks). The employee has a right to appeal this decision by sending the employer a written notice and providing grounds for such an appeal. A meeting must then be arranged by the employer in order to consider the appeal within a reasonable period, again, unless practicable. Once the appeal has taken place, the employer is under a duty to provide the employee with notice of their decision as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter. It should be noted that the employee has a right to be accompanied by any work colleague or union representative at any meetings relating to their initial request. Should the employer deny this right, the employee will have grounds to make a claim for unfair dismissal to the Employment Tribunal within 3 months of the employer’s failure. If it is agreed that the employee is to continue working beyond the initial proposed retirement date, the above process should then be repeated if and when the employer proposes another retirement date at some point in the future. There is no limit on the number of extensions permitted under the Regulations.