
Besides public examinations, school assessments constitute the major parts of mathematics teaching and learning in most Malaysian schools and at almost all levels. Mathematics assessments are usually given in the form of formative tests such as short tests or monthly tests, as well as summative testing given at the end of every semester or the end of every year. Perhaps this testing phenomenon has been overemphasized. There are some schools that set as many as six tests per year. Since one year has two semesters and each semester is about 20 to 22 weeks, this means that for every 6-7 weeks there is a test. Moreover, each test is scheduled for about a week for revision, a week for testing and a week for discussing the results. Thus, how many weeks are left for teaching? This is a worrying scene. This kind of 'teach to test' phenomenon is becoming widespread in many Malaysian schools now.Similar to Malaysian schools, there are various assessment tests in Chinese schools. For example, there are mid-semester examination (usually on the tenth week), semester-end examination as well as formative assessment after completing every chapter. Furthermore, for high school students who are preparing for their university entrance examination, tests are given weekly and monthly. Chinese teachers always use examination and assessment tests to diagnose their students' learning outcome. They also like to use the examination results to rank students. They believe that this type of ranking will help to encourage the better-performed students to do even better while pressing the poorer-performed students to work harder. Nonetheless, recently, under the slogan of "reducing students' learning burden" [å‡è´Ÿ], the education administration departments of Shanghai have restricted the number of examinations given in schools. For non-graduation year students, they are to sit for not more than four examinations per semester, i.e. the mid-semester and end of semester examinations, and up to two more assessment tests. These tests are only allowed to be conducted during school hours.