
Why are girls in Nigeria not attending school? Two main reasons could be attributed to this; Social and Economic factors. In Nigeria, especially in the northern regions, there is deep seated biases flamed by religion and traditions passed from one generation to the other that a girl child should only be seen and not heard; girls are married out early for economic reasons and where they remain at home they are reduced to nothing other than a maid serving the male ego. For the girls who managed to get into school, most of these schools lack adequate classroom space, furniture and equipment, and are often too remotely located. Many Nigerian parents, especially in large families with limited resources, enrol their boys in school rather than girls. Some parents also keep their daughters out of school due to misinterpretation of the Islamic religion.Poverty is the second main cause of underdevelopment in African. With almost 70 per cent of the Nigerian population living below the poverty line, girls are often sent to work in the markets or hawk wares on the streets. This has been found out to be the main attributes to early marriages and teenage pregnancies which also prevent girls from going to school or drop out before reaching primary six.These young girls are forced into commercial sex or sex in exchange for money, food or shelter. This usually happen with older males who most of the time are usually more sexually experienced and are more likely to have contracted STIs or HIV/AIDS (UNAID Global AIDS report 2008). Surveys have shown that fewer girls than boys, aged 15-19, have basic education of how they can protect themselves from HIV/AIDS. Unfortunately, these women constitute the majority of the worlds poorest. Their inability to access life skills-based education, economic resources and opportunities for growth puts them in a vulnerable position.