
An open climate is used to describe the openness and authenticity of interaction that exists among the principal, teachers, students and parents. Hoy and Sabo (1998) state that an open climate reflects the principal and teachers' cooperative, supportive and receptive attitudes to each other's ideas and their commitment to work. The principal shows genuine concern for teachers; motivates and encourages staff members; gives the staff freedom to carry out their duties in the best way they know; does not allow routine duties to disrupt teachers' instructional responsibilities. They care, respect and help one another as colleagues and even at personal level (Halpin 1966).Autonomous climate portrays an atmosphere where teachers are given a good measure of freedom to operate in the institution. The principal models enthusiasm and diligence. Both teachers and students are happy. There is no external threat or influence. Teachers have great desire to work and students are highly motivated to learn. Hard work is the major characteristic of controlled climate. The principal often employs a direct approach, keeps his/her distance from teachers, students and parents in order to avoid familiarity. Familiar climate depicts a laissez-faire atmosphere. The principal is concerned about maintaining friendly atmosphere at the expense of task accomplishment. Thus, a considerable percentage of teachers are not committed to their primary assignment. Some who are committed resent the way the principal runs the college: they do not share same views with the principal and their colleagues. As a result, those who are not committed, form a clique because they are of the same attitude, they become friends. The familiarity between the principal and teachers is so much that the college work suffers. Paternal climate depicts an atmosphere where the principal is very hardworking, but has no effect on the staff; to them hard work is not a popular term. There is a degree of closeness between the principal and teachers, but the principal's expectation from teachers is rather impractical. All the same, he/she is considerate and energetic, but his/her leadership approach is benevolently autocratic. As a result, most teachers, students and parents prefer to maintain distance from the principal. Often, students cannot express their difficulties or problems with boldness and parents visit the college only when it is absolutely necessary.