
与学术价值表已张贴在tsiba公告板上,我看到的是采访学生的名字出现在名单上的完美平台。原因是,在我的研究过程中提出的文献回顾,一些作家归因于贫困学生的学术表现,在演讲过程中频繁访问社会媒体。与此相反,我得到的答案,如:“我的学术水平没有任何反映我访问社交媒体。所有我能说的是,这取决于个人以及他们如何可以结合两还拿出积极的结果,”Lunga Schoeman,BBA 2学生。Joseph Maisels,BBA 1学生说,他的访问社交媒体有时在班只有他真正需要的是他们的学生的商业广告或营销。除此之外,他不是一个风扇的时候,各种各样的社会媒体网站。“我保持连接到我的朋友在社交媒体上通过在任何时候我的手机因为我最常用的社交媒体网站的账户(脸谱网)是我的联系电话:“Charlotte Dreyer,hcba(工商管理高级证书)学生在tsiba。Nadia Williams,hcba学生她解释说,她发现社会媒体很有帮助,当谈到与学术有关的问题的朋友聊天,除了她不认为社交媒体有助于她有很大的学者。
With the academic merit list that has been posted on the notice board of TSiBA, I saw it as a perfect platform to interview students whose names are appear on the list. Reason being that during the course of my research as presented in the literature review, some writers attributed poor student academic performance to the frequent access to social media during lectures. Contrary to this, I got answers such as;"My level of academic performance doesn't have any reflection to me accessing social media. All I can say is that it depends on the individual and how they can combine the two and still come out with positive results" Lunga Schoeman, BBA 2 student.Joseph Maisels, BBA 1 student said his access social media at times during classes only if he really needs it for advertisement or marketing of their student business. Apart from that he is not a fan when it comes to a variety of social media sites."I stay connect to my friends on social media through my phone at all times because the account of my most used social media site (Facebook) is linked to my phone" Charlotte Dreyer, HCBA (Higher Certificate in Business Administration) student at TSiBA.Nadia Williams, HCBA student on her part explains that she finds social media very helpful when it comes to chatting with friends in academic related issues, other than that she doesn't think social media contributes a great deal to her academics.