多伦多论文代写 创伤护理

他涵盖了4个迹象。为了控制不可预知的出血和较大的创伤,内固定出院明智。手术后,医生下令:检查电解质、血红蛋白和hctdaily,检查12小时的X射线,ABGs 4-6 / 24、液体饮食的耐受性,输注吗啡@ 1–5毫克/小时24小时(然后PCA按协议)、头孢菌素6 / 24 IVI(恢复2100小时了),克赛40mg BD checkingelectrolyte、Hb、HCT是评价和监督术条件控制是必要的,因为出血的控制是首要目标。X射线可以给医生签名评价外固定效果。Clexane,作为一种肝素抗凝,是一种自然发生的嗜碱性粒细胞和肥大细胞产生,因为长期卧床可引起DVP和创伤后应激,导致血液高凝状态的时候,马克被调到杭州电子科技大学骨科。转移前的外周和动脉线被移除。CVC已与PICC导管更换(L组)2流明(1)保养液(2)PCA。因为PT的情况比较好,至少是脱离了危险。现在的主要目标是预防感染和长期卧床的并发症,如血栓、坠积性肺炎、褥疮。克赛40mg SC继续,头孢菌素类Ig IVI持续6天,交替5%葡萄糖和8 / 24到容忍哈特曼流体,IDC继续直到能够管理病人。所有这些措施都瞄准了上述目标。现在,马克的条件是小腿伤口长7厘米,钉在原地,最小的红肿,无渗出,浅表创面清洁、干燥,无渗出或发红,上腿臀15cm伤口,钉在原地,最小红斑和无渗。小腿受伤8cm长度,钉在原地,上下3cm伤口红肿,清晰温和的软泥,浅表创面清洁、干燥,无渗出或发红。
多伦多论文代写 创伤护理
Multiple internal fixations and plating of femurs, tibias and fibulias completed. AO screw inserted into separation fracture of medial malleolus with AO/ASIF screws to the L femoral head. Abrasions and lacerations cleaned and sutured in layers. External fixation devices in place from both legs with back slab on left ankle. Operative time is 4 hours and 24 minutes. The main treatment aims to multiple fracture is here. External fixation is a surgical treatment used to stabilize bone and soft tissues at a distance from the operative or injury focus. (States JD, 1986, pp: 97-107) They provide unobstructed access to the relevant skeletal and soft tissue structures for their initial assessment and also for secondary interventions needed to restore bony continuity and a functional soft tissue cover. The indication of taking external fixation are stabilization of severe open fractures, stabilization of infected nonunions, correction of extremity malalignments and length discrepancies, initial stabilization of soft tissue and bony disruption in poly trauma patients (damage control orthopaedics), closed fracture with associated severe soft tissue injuries, severely comminuted diaphyseal and periarticular lesions, temporary transarticular stabilization of severe soft tissue and ligamentous injuries, pelvic ring disruptions, certain pediatric fractures, arthrodesis, ligamentotaxis. (Jonathan Godin, BA& Jon K. Sekiya, MD, 2010, pp: 156–165) From Mark’s condition, he covered 4 indications. In order to control unpredictable bleeding and larger trauma, internal fixation is discharged wisely. After the operation, the surgeon ordered: Check electrolyte, Hb and Hctdaily, Check X-rays in 12 hours, ABGs 4-6/24, Liquid diet as tolerated, Morphine infusion @ 1 – 5 mg/hr for 24 hours (then PCA as per protocol), Cephalosporin 6/24 IVI (given in recovery 2100 hrs), Clexane 40mg BD. Checkingelectrolyte, Hb and Hct is necessary for evaluation and supervisory controlling of postoperative condition, because bleeding control is the top target. X-ray can give doctor a signature to evaluate the effect of external fixation.Clexane, as a kind of heparin, is a naturally occurring anticoagulant produced by basophils and mast cells, because prolonged bed rest can cause DVP and Posttraumatic stress, which would cause blood hypercoagulability when Mark was transferred to the orthopaedic HDU. Prior to transfer the peripheral and arterial lines are removed. The CVC has been replaced with a PICC line (L arm) with 2 lumens (1) maintenance fluid (2) PCA. Because the condition of Pt is better, at least it is out of danger. The main target now is infection prevention and prolonged bed rest complication, such as DVT, hypostatic pneumonia, bedsore. Clexane 40mg SC to continue ,Cephalosporin Ig IVI to continue for 6 more days,Alternating 5% dextrose and Hartmanns 8/24 until tolerating fluids, IDC to remain until patient able to manage. All these measure aim to the goal talked about above. Now the condition of Mark is Lower leg wound 7 cm length, staples in situ, minimal redness, no ooze, Superficial wounds clean and dry, no ooze or redness, Upper leg/ hip 15cm wound, staples in situ, minimal redness and no ooze. Lower leg wound 8cm length, staples in situ, redness on lower 3cm of wound, clear moderate ooze, Superficial wounds clean and dry, no ooze or redness.