
罗尔德·达尔的“意外”的故事是一个恐怖的,紧张而奇妙的构造设置吊胃口的故事,吓唬和整体冲击读者。利用各种有效的文学技巧,Dahl enflames的感觉,造成相当生动的人物形象和渗透着他的叙述成粘稠状,扭曲的结论。这两个例子我要看这篇文章是“房东”和“待宰羔羊”,在释放病态暴力和巧妙的建筑的故事,在这关键时刻在文本一组短篇散文小说,展示自己不同的风格。虽然他们都是简洁的书面和含有一股恐怖从未透露其最大程度的故事(尽管事实上,我们见证了一个谋杀的待宰羔羊发生),作品的暗示自然让读者需要使用他们的想象力和填写了可怕的真相。(这是明显的“房东”) 在第一个例子中,“房东太太,”达尔以铺垫这个故事的恐怖性的步骤;提供了微妙的线索毁灭给读者,建立最终揭示的真相。主人公,Billy Weaver,似乎没有意识到这些恐怖的事情,因为他对钱的奇迹他将保存在公寓的房东他是无害的但是点疯疯癫癫的[ 2 ]。例如,他的咖啡,达尔如此痛切的描述的气味,她凌厉的感情的评论他的皮肤像婴儿的[ 3 ]和可疑的措辞“我的东西都是我的小宠物,他们去世后,都足以表明欺诈行为没有真正表达出来,真的让读者恐怖出现在什么脱脂的读者可能会形容为一个世俗的交换。
Roald Dahl’s ‘The Tales of the Unexpected’ are a macabre, edgy and yet wonderfully constructed set of stories designed to tantalize, scare and overall shock its readers. Using various effective literary techniques, Dahl enflames the senses, creates quite vivid characters and permeates his narratives into sticky, twisting conclusions. The two examples I am going to look at in this essay are ‘The Landlady’ and ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’, a duo of short pieces of prose fiction which showcase his differing styles in unleashing morbid violence and subtly building the tale around this pivotal moment in the text. Whilst they are both concisely written and contain an undercurrent of horror never quite revealed to its full extent in the story (despite the fact that we witness an actual murder taking place in ‘Lamb to the Slaughter), the suggestive nature of the works leaves the reader needing to use their imagination and fill in the horrifying truths. (This is especially apparent in ‘The Landlady’)
In the first example, ‘The Landlady,’ Dahl takes the step of foreshadowing the scary nature of this story; offering subtle clues of doom to the reader that build up to eventually reveal the awful truth. The protagonist, Billy Weaver, seems unaware of these horrors, as he marvels about the amount of money he will save in the boarding house of the landlady who he rates as harmless enough although ‘slightly off her rocker[2].’ For example, the smell of his coffee that Dahl so poignantly describes, her chillingly emotive comments ‘His skin was just like a baby’s[3]’ and suspicious turn of phrase ‘I stuff all my little pets after they pass away’ are enough to suggest the devious act without actually ever expressing it, really subjecting the reader to the macabre that appears within what a skim reader may describe as a mundane exchange.