
自我调节学习者:自我调节学习的定义多种多样,但二者对学业成绩的影响似乎是显著的。首先,元认知,学习者能够组织、计划、自我监控、自我评价、自我指导、技能习得过程;动机,学习者能感知自己是自治的,主管,自有效,与内在动机;行为,学习者可以选择,生成,和结构的学习环境,提高技能的获得(齐默尔曼,2001)。最后,自主学习,一些研究者已经在他们的概念化的重要方面是实际的认知策略,学生使用学习,记忆,理解材料(Pintrich & de Groot,1990)。此外,齐默尔曼(2000)定义自我调节,涉及自我产生的思想,情感和行为,计划和定期调整的基础上的性能反馈,以达到自我设定的目标。总之,学生自我调节设定具体的学习目标选择达到目标的策略,参加各种技能来跟踪他们的进展情况并进行修改,当遇到障碍(Winne,1995),第二章将目前的相关文献对自主学习策略的可教不同的学生类型包括学习障碍、精神发育迟滞的回顾,从城市学校,少数民族,男孩,女孩,甚至那些已经赋予所有通过接受教育和利用的策略在其整个学术生涯受益。此外,自我调节可以在大学期间获得学术上的成功。留学生作业代写:自我调节学习者.第三章描述了项目开发、目标受众和项目大纲。第四章是对该计划的总结和回顾。
The target population of the teaching self-regulation program is high school counselors interested in working with freshman students in urban high schools. However, the area of target can extend to any particular setting that has a need for students to increase their self-regulatory skills. If possible, the target population for this presentation should be individuals with strong coordinating skills, a master's degree, and experience working with high school students. In addition, the target audience should be familiarized with implementing programs in schools. The PowerPoint will work best with counselors that have experience collaborating with their fellow administration for the reason that the counselors must constantly collaborate to make sure that the students are being taught the appropriate information.This project focuses on improving/teaching students self-regulation strategies. This means that the staff that is in control will have to constantly collaborate amongst each other, to make sure that the necessary skills are given to the students uniformly, and due to the schedule time constraints some skills might be left out. However it will be the responsibility of the counselor to have assemblies and get the students up to date. Additionally, students with learning disabilities might require more attention in this area and some teachers might not be up to the challenge. In addition, there is the assumption that the project works, and that is that the counselor who takes on the task of coordinating the self-efficacy program must be willing to work and collaborate with teachers and administration, that may or may not want to assist. It is also necessary for counselors to have plans in place to that will teach and provide interventions to students in order to continually motivate them.