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应用数字:-有必要进行适当的计算或解释数据时,客户服务,因为它可以帮助你了解有多少顾客来你的餐厅,你让自己准备好相应的MISE N位。有时我做早餐班,我从早晨的房间/客人名单中计算今天有多少客人会做早餐,然后我告诉厨师,他们根据客人的名字做饭,节省能源和食物浪费。我相信这是我的优点之一:信息技术能力:信息技术(IT)并没有触及我们业务和生活的大部分方面。因此,对竞争世界中的每个人都有必要了解它。我认为这是我的实力,因为我非常熟练使用微软Office和PMS。我知道如何在MS Office上创建图表和表格。我用它来做报告,演讲,写邮件给客人,订单处理、计费等动机:-内部和外部因素的刺激欲望和能量在人们不断感兴趣并致力于工作角色,或主题,并在实现目标发挥坚持不懈的努力。(businessdictionary。com)我很积极的个人以及专业。它帮助我达到目标。我总是设法从我的经理和同事那里学到新的东西。我每班根据值班工作。我对我的经理总是表现出积极的态度。我相信诚实和勤奋,这使我在工作中更加坚强。
Application of Numbers:- it is necessary to make the appropriate calculations or interpret data when serving customers because it helps you to understand how many customer are coming to your restaurant and you make yourself ready accordingly in terms of Mise n place. Sometimes I do breakfast shift and I calculate early in the morning from the room occupancy/ guest list that how many guest will do breakfast today then I tell to chefs and they cook the breakfast according to the no. of guest which saves the energy and food wastage. I believe that its one of my strength.Information Technology Proficiency:- Information Technology (IT) has not left untouched most aspects of our business and life. Therefore it is necessary to have knowledge of IT for everyone in competitive world. I consider IT as strength of mine because I am very proficient while using Microsoft office and PMS. I know how to create chart and tables on MS Office. I use IT for making report, presentation, writing Email to guest, order taking, billing etc.Motivation:- Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role, or subject, and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal. (businessdictionary.com) I am very motivated personally as well as professionally. It helps me to achieve the goals. I always try to learn new things from my manager and colleagues. I work every shift according to the Rota. I always show positive attitude to my managers. I believe in honesty and hard work which make me stronger at work.

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