
在Christian Baudelot指导的社会学研究《幸福与工作》(《Bonheur et Travail》)中,《工作是为了快乐》(《为生存而工作的辛劳者》)一书表明,对工作的引用在不同的社会群体之间是不平衡的。事实上,43%的员工提到了这一点,但只有27%的企业领导者、高管和个体经营者提到了这一点。因此,这是一个显而易见的悖论:显然价值较低的职业(如蓝领工人)认为,工作是一种优越的幸福来源,而较受社会欢迎的职业(如管理人员和智力较高的职业(他们认为工作是一种不那么重要的幸福来源)则相反。1999年洛朗·坎泰特(Laurent Cantet)的《人力资源》(Human Resources)(«Ressources humaines»)描述了一个年轻人进入他父亲公司的人力资源指导部门的过程,它展示了商业世界和社会世界的两分法,并强调了不同的工作关系。对于父亲来说,工作是一生的支柱;对于儿子来说,工作是一种寻求自我认同的方式。此外我们可以区分“白领”,他的职业是进行良好生活方式的公司(家人、朋友、郊游、旅行leisurea€¦),和“蓝领”,年轻的父亲英雄,谁,一旦晚上从工厂返回,继续为他高兴工作部分。
Within the sociological study “Happiness and Work” (« Bonheur et Travail ») directed by Christian Baudelot and which resulted in the book “Work to be happy” (« Travailler pour être heureux »), it has been shown that the reference to work is uneven from one social group to another. In fact, 43% of workers, but only 27% of business leaders, executives and self-employed mentioned it. It is therefore a visible paradox: the apparently less valued professions (such as blue-collar workers), believe work is a superior source of happiness than more socially desirable occupations such as managers and higher intellectual professions (who believe work is a less important source of happiness).A film like “Human Resources” from Laurent Cantet in 1999 (« Ressources humaines »), which describes the arrival of a young adult into the Human Resources Direction service of his father’s company, shows the dichotomy of the business and social world and highlights the different relationships to work. For the father, work is the backbone of a lifetime; for the son, work is a means by which it seeks its own identity. Moreover we can distinguish the “white collars”, whose profession is a way to conduct a good life out of the company (family, friends, outings, travels, leisure…), and the “blue collars”, like the father of the young hero, who, once returned from the factory in the evening, continues for his pleasure to work on parts.