
In light of the rejection of legal immigration advocated by the Trump administration, education experts fear that it threatens and hurts the student exchange industry due to a decreased number of international students under the influence of the policy. For a long time, American education has developed a close relationship with international students. As pointed out by Anderson Stuart (2018) in Forbes, international students “provide billions of dollars to the U.S. economy every year, subsidize the education of U.S. students and are a key source of talent that help make American tech companies the envy of the world”. In this regard, international students have made great contributions to American student exchange industry and the educational system, because their arrivals in America have sparked a booming industry. For instance, international students’ need to find renting house has stimulated the rise of renting industry in universities. In this regard, the rejection of legal immigration introduces great damages to the student exchange industry, because many international students have the intentions to settle in AmericaFurthermore, the rejection of legal immigration also hurts the development of America as an educational hub of global implications, because a decreased student exchange industry harms the development and growth of American educational systems. With the introduction of the rejection of legal immigration, international students are forced to choose other nations for student exchange programs. Given that American education costs much higher regarding the learning and boarding fees, international students have provided a large amount of the economic returns for American colleges and universities. Without the returns from international students, American colleges and universities can suffer from the lack of adequate funds to build their core competitiveness.