
From the viewpoint of firms, bribe is necessary when facing unfair trade policies. In certain situations would save a lot of efforts and money, which contributes to the maximization of return of invest. For example, if some famous international brand want to open new markets in developing countries, it has to face the high tariff and local protectionism. Such high tariff and local protectionism are not reasonable in current period of free trade. However, they just exist and restrict the fair competition in local market. In this situation, offering bribe could help foreign companies reduce the entry threshold and entry costs, and thus help them get the equal market position with local companies. On the contrary, if the company does not offer bribe to overcome these unreasonable and unfair trade protection, it has to pay high tariff, high tax and accept strict supervision of local government. In this way, the operating costs are much higher than local business, which make the company in a unadvantageous position in competitions. What`s more, the purchasing ability of people in developing countries is not strong. The high price, caused by high costs, of the company will destroy its sales volume in local market. Therefore, it is necessary to pay bribe when facing the unfair protective policies in international trade to offset the negative influences of unreasonable environment.