
Mostly the sources used for research are not reliable for instance Wikipedia is not authoritative as it does not bear the bibliography for a specific article because the articles some time are written and edited by as many as 300,000 contributors. Moreover, these articles are not updated regularly, therefore, the material got from such a sources might be old one.The use of the Internet can add in one’s financial obligations to some extent as one is needed an expensive computer or a lap top for that task. On the other hand, people have to pay for the internet bills as well as for some web sites to read stuff on line.Excessive use of computer or use of computer without a respite can be harmful for human eyes and neck and sometime results in sprain in eyes and neck.A computer attached to an Internet can pick up viruses and is more vulnerable to viruses than to a computer which is not attached to the Internet. These viruses look around one’s address book and uses it to spread copies of itself to one’s friends, often disguised in very seducing messages such as ‘Hey, enjoyed the other night’. .Ultimately, viruses can corrupt the existing files in a computer and sometime cause damage to the whole hard disk. It is very interesting here that these viruses are spread by some businessmen today to flourish their business.After analysing and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet it can be said that the Internet has become a part and parcel of human life owing to the pros and cons of the Internet as one cannot help but to use it to commence and complete one’s research. Particularly convenient accessibility to the Internet has made research very easy to complete with a short period of time as compared the long periods of times as was in the past. Not to speak of building an individual’s self-confidence the Internet has been being used to do research in one’s mother language that can be translated by the Internet from English to chines, polish, German etc.