加拿大留学生作业代写 高调整的效率
Keywords:加拿大留学生作业代写 高调整的效率

加拿大留学生作业代写 高调整的效率
We believe that the tool will greatly increase the efficiency of adjusting. Imagine yourself as an adjuster; when you faced with hundreds claims every day, it is impossible for you to identify every fraud from claims. By using this tool, adjusters don’t need to waste time on investigating claims from reliable contractors. We hope that the tool will have initial accuracy of 70%, which increases with more data put in this tool. When it matures, it would detect more than 95% frauds. Time and cost of developing this model would be affordable, we believe that it matures in 1 month. A group of internal technical experts from Geico will take responsible for maintenance of the tool.Our second question is how to make more accurate and customized pricing for insurance quotes. The traditional way to price the motor insurance is using financial models which depends upon statistical sampling of past performance to forecast future outcomes. However, since artificial intelligence allows predictive analytics based on real events, in real time, using large datasets rather than samples to make the best guess, competitors like Progressive have already using this technology in their pricing policy. So in order to succeed in the market, Geico will have to rapidly move from pricing based on the likely behavior of categories to pricing based on the actual behavior of individuals. Combining sensors and machine learning algorithms will enable Geico to use predictive analytics based on data collected from client drivers.