当考虑经济环境,通货膨胀率是一个不可或缺的因素,必须考虑到在做出投资决策。(菲律宾共和国国家统计局)。根据上面的图3,可以看出,自2008以来,菲律宾与前几年相比保持了相当稳定的低通胀率。(Carl Delfeld(2012))。2012年,在发展中国家,全球的通货膨胀率是5.5%,因此,菲律宾比平均。菲律宾过去5年的平均通胀率为4.26%,表明其货币购买力相对稳定可靠。然而,在经济方面也存在许多弊端。首先,外国所有权的限制。根据菲律宾法律,外资持股不得超过40%。这将限制跨国公司的发展。其次;菲律宾制造业的滞后导致外国跨国迁移。1995,制造业占本地生产总值的比重为25%,而在2010,则下降至21%。在过去的几十年里,尽管纺织工业一直在增长,但制造业的比例并没有提高。(马。Lourdes A. Sereno,Emmanuel de Dios,Joseph J. Capuno(2009))。与此同时,它的邻近地区,如印度尼西亚、马来西亚和泰国,降低了农业的比例,提高了制造业和服务业的比重。
When considering economic environment, the inflation rate is an indispensible factor that must be taken into account when make FDI decisions. (National Statistics Office of the Republic of Philippines). According to graph 3 above, it can be seen that since 2008, Philippines remained a rather stable and low inflation rate compared with its previous years. (Carl Delfeld(2012)).In the year 2012, the global inflation rate in developing countries is 5.5%, therefore, Philippines did better than average. Philippines’ average inflation rate from the past 5 years is 4.26%, which indicate that the purchasing power of its currency is relatively stable and reliable.
However, there are also many disadvantages in the economic perspective. First of all, the limitation of foreign ownership. According to the law of Philippines, foreign ownership is not allowed surpass 40%. It will limit the development of TNCs. Secondly; the lag of manufacture industry in Philippines caused the migration of foreign TNCs. In 1995, the percentage of manufacture to gross GDP is 25% while in 2010, it declined to 21%. Over the past decades, although the textile industry had been growing, the percentage of manufacture did not improve. (Ma. Lourdes A. Sereno, Emmanuel de Dios, Joseph J. Capuno(2009)). In the meantime, its neighborhood, like Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, decreased their agriculture percentage and increased the percentage of manufacture and service industry.