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留学生论文代写 合同制造战略


同时利用合同制造战略、联盟–靴子将结成战略合作伙伴关系,可能是中国式组织(凯特奥拉& Graham,2006)。在这一战略伙伴关系联合博姿将提供产品知识和技术诀窍,而随着工厂设备制造所需的安排将由当地合作伙伴提供的(M.Wilson,Gilligan,&皮尔森,2006)。这种进入模式是最好的联盟靴子由于组织所需的最小投资,它将利用当地合作伙伴的工厂设施(拉格曼& Brewer,2001)。此外,进入模式被视为低风险策略,该组织将在位置降低其风险,降低其运行成本由于不同经济体的本地合作伙伴享受,并通过组织降低外汇风险,否则遇到,除了提供灵活的联盟的靴子。然而,该方法存在一定的缺点,包括在营销功能的最小控制,无法保持所期望的质量,独特的产品利益的损失,而危险的技术转让和技术诀窍从而创造一个潜在的竞争对手在市场.

留学生论文代写 合同制造战略

While utilizing the contract manufacturing strategy, Alliance –Boots will form a strategic partnership, may be China based organization (Cateora & Graham, 2006). In this strategic partnership Alliance-Boots will provide the product knowledge and the technical know-how while the arrangements for the manufacturing along with the desired plant facilities will be provided by the local partners (M.Wilson, Gilligan, & Pearson, 2006). This entry mode is best for Alliance-Boots due to the fact that the organization will required minimal investment as it will utilize the plant facility of local partner (Rugman & Brewer, 2001). In addition the entry mode is regarded as low risky strategy as the organization will be in position to decrease its risk, decrease its cost of operation due to different economies enjoyed by local partner, and decrease the foreign exchange risk otherwise encounter by the organization, besides offering flexibility to Alliance-Boots. However, the methods suffers from certain demerits including having minimal control over the marketing functions, inability to maintain the desired quality, loss of unique product benefits, and danger of transferring technology and technical know-how thereby creating a potential competitors in the market

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