
若泽路易斯的困境开始不可避免地与恐惧的信的到来。他被命令去加那利群岛的监狱,执行死刑的执行程序,在马洛卡。震惊的若泽路易斯谈到立即辞职,“你想我是一个杀手!”,但又是由卡门和她的父亲说服放弃这样的想法,那些可笑的建议,它应该被看作是一个蜜月度假”来自海上的空气会对他有好处”。到达时,带着兴奋和热情的观众在马洛卡举行的选美比赛,Jose Luis感到欣慰的是,这个被定罪的人生病了,预计将死于自然原因。相反,这对夫妇将享受他们的假期和放松,参观旅游地标。在地下洞穴观看演出时,Jose Luis出人意料地被警察召来,被命令到监狱执行死刑。在订单激增到他被一个身穿制服的人喊命令下扩音器。“他们在呼唤我!他绝望地喊道。Jose Luis再次请求辞职,呼吁相关去做吧,并告诉监狱狱长他如何无意中来到这里的生活故事,“我想去德国,你明白吗?“Jose Luis再次劝阻有返还乏薪水和安全损失的思想。阿马德奥已经很多次,狱长很快就能表明犯人的痛苦将由他的犹豫恶化操纵Jose Luis的情绪,“定罪不能等待”。Jose Luis再一次不顾内心的厌恶。Jose Luis被带到执行的地方。人们充满期待即将死亡的房间。若泽路易斯再次发现自己在一个位置,而他无意,命运对他的阴谋。
Jose Luis predicaments begin inevitably with the arrival of the feared letter. He is ordered to go to the prison in Mallorca, the Canary Islands, to carry out an execution. Horrified Jose Luis talks of instant resignation, “you want me to be a killer!”, but again is persuaded by Carmen and her father to abandon such thoughts, who comically suggest that it should be seen as a honeymoon vacation “the air from the sea would do him good”. On arrival, ironically travelling with happy and enthusiastic spectators of a beauty contest taking place in Mallorca, Jose Luis is relieved to learn that the condemned man has fallen ill and is expected to die of natural causes. Instead the couple will enjoy their holiday and relax, visiting tourist landmarks. Watching a performance in an underground cave, Jose Luis is unexpectedly called upon by police men and ordered to go to the prison for the execution. Disconcertingly, the order is boomed down to him by a uniformed man who shouts the order down a megaphone. “They’re calling me!” he shouts in despair. Again Jose Luis pleads resignation, calling for Amadeo to do the deed, and telling the prison Govenor his life story of how he inadvertently came to be here, “what I wanted was to go to Germany, do you understand?” Again Jose Luis is dissuaded by the thought of having to return spent salary money and the loss of security. As Amadeo has many times, the Govenor is soon able to manipulate Jose Luis’s emotions by suggesting that the prisoner’s suffering will be worsened by his hesitation, “the convicted can’t wait”. Once again Jose Luis gives in despite deep-felt aversion. Jose Luis is led to the place of execution. People fill the room in anticipation of the imminent death. Jose Luis finds himself once again in a position of which he had no intention, fate conspiring against him.