
Why political elites desire democracy is an important question, particularly in relation to elites that have a share of power within authoritarian regimes – the voluntary sharing of power with opposition groups and relinquishing of the privileges that go with authoritarian rule does not at first hand appear to be the most logical of steps. There are however a number of reason for such attitudes. Some elites may see democracy as an end it in itself – they might desire international legitimacy or simply believe that democracy is in fact the ‘right’ kind of government for their country. In other scenarios, a transition to a democratic regime may be a means to achieving other goals or simply the least unacceptable outcome open to a governing elite. The cost of maintaining power may begin to outweigh its benefits in terms of the implications of a politicised military, continued repression of the people and the effects of economic sanctions from other democratic regimes. In many cases, elements within authoritarian regimes come to the conclusion that continually clinging onto power can become too much of a risk. As Huntington writes: “it is after all preferable to risk losing power than it is to risk losing life” (p128, Huntington 1997). A final line of thought amongst authoritarian elites is the belief that they would be successful in democratic elections and remain in power.
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