那些领导教育研究的人包括商业领袖、政府团体、大学团体,以及其他不受教育的人,他们对课堂教师的日常需求知之甚少(Dana & Yendol-Hoppey, 2009)。这些研究人员使用数据审查、调查和面向过程的方法进行研究。基于Dana & Yendol-Hoppey(2009)。有两种范式主要负责教育研究。第一个以过程产品为导向的方法与教师作为技术人员在教室(p - 2-3)。研究范围是线性的,研究者是课堂的局外人。第二个范式是定性的或解释性的(临3)。这要求教师作为积极参与者,讨论焦点和解释(p.3)。外部研究者将进行研究。这两种范式都有一个原因来解释为什么要研究识别问题以提高课堂和教育中的表现。从本质上讲,教育研究与教师探究/行动研究没有区别。教育研究是涵盖教育领域所有研究的大伞。Dana &Yendol-Hoppey(2009)指出:“教师探究突出了教师作为知识生成器、研究者和参与者的地位。它侧重于教师的关注,并在设计、数据收集和围绕一个问题的数据的解释方面与教师进行接触。
Those who lead education research consist of business leaders, governmental groups, college groups, and others that are outsiders to education and have limited ideas of what a classroom teachers needs on a daily basis (Dana & Yendol-Hoppey, 2009). These researcher use data review, surveys, and process oriented methods to conduct research. Based on Dana & Yendol-Hoppey(2009). There are two paradigms that are mostly responsible for educational research. The first in process-product oriented method with the teacher as technician in the classroom (p.2-3). The research is linear in scope and the researcher is an outsider to the classroom. The second paradigm is qualitative or interpretive (p.3). This requires the teacher as active participant, discussion on the focus, and interpretation (p.3). Outsider researcher will conduct the research. Both Paradigms have as a reason why to do the research the concept of identifying problems to improve performance within the classroom and education.Essentially, there is no difference between educational research and teacher inquiry/action research. Educational research is the big umbrella that encompasses all research in the education area. Dana &Yendol-Hoppey (2009) states that “Teacher inquiry highlights the roll of teachers as knowledge generator, researcher, and participant. It focuses on the concerns of teachers and engages teachers in the design, data collection, and interpretation of data around a question”