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故事的情节是这样的:亨利在他的预演生日聚会上行为不端之后,他的父母决定他永远不会再举办生日聚会了,然而他的生日又快到了,他们决定再给他一次机会。计划是让聚会在拉泽尔·扎普(Lazer Zap)的家中举行,但这个地方很贵,但至少意味着家里不会出现混乱。一切都很顺利,直到亨利的爸爸把这本书叫做生日聚会的地方;不幸的是,他发现亨利被终身禁止参加Lazer Zap,所以他最终还是在家里开了个派对。当派对上的一切都开始出错时,错误的礼物,错误的游戏,错误的奖品,甚至是错误的食物,都不足为奇。然而,有亨利在身边,事情就不会太好太令人失望了。他偷偷溜去拿他的水枪,他的父母和客人得到了一个惊喜。孩子们,尤其是那些4到6岁的孩子,通常都是热情、吵闹和情绪化的。这种活力相当正常;有时他们很活跃,而且他们也很难对付:几乎总是说话,不按别人说的做,似乎不知疲倦。这种行为在男孩中比较常见。虽然这对父母来说是一个非常困难的情况,就像在可怕的亨利的生日故事中可以看到的那样,男孩焦急地等待着他的生日派对,并努力地计划着应该送什么样的礼物和邀请谁。另一方面,他的父母也在计划派对应该在哪里举行,但同时也担心亨利预期的不当行为会带来的后果。早期的童年不仅是一个惊人的生理成长时期;这也是一个精神发展显著的时期。认知与记忆推理问题解决和思考的联系在整个童年时期都在不断出现.
The plot of the story runs as follows: After Henry’s misbehaviour at his previews birthday party, his parents decided that he would never have another birthday party, nevertheless his birthday was nearly there again, and they have decided to give him one more chance. The plan is to have the party away from home at Lazer Zap but the place was expensive but at least it means no mess would be done to house. Everything is going fine until Henry’s dad called the book the place for the birthday party; unfortunately he finds that Henry has been banned from Lazer Zap for life so he ends up having a party at home after all. It was not surprising when everything started to get wrong at the party, the wrong presents, the wrong party games, the wrong prizes and even the wrong food. Nevertheless with Henry around thing would not be great and disappointing for long. He sneaks off to get his water gun, and his parents and guests get a pretty wet surprise.Children particularly those aged between four to six years old are often enthusiastic, noisy and emotional. This dynamism is reasonably normal; sometimes they are active and they can be a quite handful: talking almost all the time, not doing as they are told and seems tireless. This kind of behaviour is more usually among boys. Although this can be very hard situation for parents to deal with as it could be seen in the story of Horrid Henry’s birthday where the boy is anxiously awaiting his birthday party and diligently planning what kind of presents should be and who to invite. On the other hand, his parents are also planning where the party should take place but also fear the consequences of Henry’s expecting misbehaviour. Early childhood is not only a period of amazing physical growth; it also a time of remarkable mental development. Cognitive association with memory reasoning problem solving and thinking continue to emerge throughout childhood 

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