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从立法的角度看,可以假定父母会赞成列入;然而,最近,钟摆似乎又回到了继续让特殊学校而不是主流学校的方向,至少在一些营地是这样。例如,沃诺克女士现在认为,“包容的概念是她1978年报告中‘最灾难性的遗产’,”她目前主张“立即审查特殊教育的条款,暂停关闭特殊学校”。《2001年特殊教育需要与残疾法案》(SENDA)的通过规定,只有当主流学校为满足SEN学生的需求而开发了课程和资源时,特殊学校才会关闭(Kent 2005,29)。这使得SENDA与1996年支持包容教育法案发生冲突。Henshaw(2003, 3)认为:“我们开始看到,由于实施《1996年教育法》和《2001年特殊教育需要和残疾人法》各方面的实际影响而产生的紧张和冲突显著增加。然而,SENDA认为,“对残疾儿童的潜在成就产生了更高的期望,并提高了教育提供者对其促进获取和包容的责任的认识。”“SENDA重要的是建立了一套新的法庭条例,即《2001年特别教育需要法庭条例》,该条例将法庭扩大到审理基于歧视的上诉。这使上诉过程中的当事方可以邀请任何数目的证人出席上诉并代表他们发言,并向任何被邀请的当事方开放听证会。
In view of legislation one would assume parents would favour inclusion; however, more recently the pendulum appears to be swinging back towards the continuance of special schools over mainstreaming, at least in some camps.  For example,  contends Lady Warnock now believes that “the concept of inclusion was ‘the most disastrous legacy’ of her 1978 report,” and currently advocates “an immediate review of SEN provision and a moratorium on the closure of special schools.” The passage of the Special Educational Needs & Disability Act 2001 (SENDA) provides for closure of special schools only as mainstream schools have developed programmes and resources to meet SEN students’ requirements (Kent 2005, 29).  This throws the SENDA into conflict with the pro-inclusion Education Act 1996.  Henshaw (2003, 3) contends “We are beginning to see a remarkable growth in the tensions and conflict arising from the practical implications of implementing aspects of the Education Act 1996 and Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001.”however, argues SENDA has “created higher expectations of the potential achievements of disabled children and raised awareness in education providers of their duties to promote access and inclusion.”  SENDA importantly establishes a new set of Tribunal regulations, the Special Educational Needs Tribunal Regulations 2001, which extends the Tribunal to also co ver appeals made on the basis of discrimination .  This allows parties in the appeals process to invite any number of witnesses to attend the appeal and speak on their behalf, and opens the hearings to any invited parties .

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