加拿大健康学paper代写 老龄化
Keywords:加拿大健康学paper代写 老龄化

加拿大健康学paper代写 老龄化
Japan is the fastest ageing country in the world. Japan has the ideals of ageing as living independently without relying on their children and continuing to undertake new challenges. Japan has several strategy’s put in place to help deal with its ageing population. Japan has promoted positive attitudes to ageing in its older people through healthy diet, devotion to their spiritual beliefs and continuing to hold a daily sense of purpose. In Japan the majority of its population hold a positive attitude to death, it is not seen as something to fear and they believe that quality of life is more important than extending life.Japans culture differs to other county as they are the first country in the world to have a scheme called ‘ticket for a caring relationship’. This is a scheme that rewards people with ‘time credits’ for volunteering to help the elderly or disabled. It’s where citizens can claim back the credits for their own care in later life. It allows a volunteer to bank hours they spend helping an older person in their own personal time. This scheme was developed to promote the population to assist in the caring of the older population and try to encourage the older people after their retirement to continue working or volunteering.Japan In 2002 introduced long term care insurance, the aim was to reduce the burden of care on families and also to decrease the growing demand for pensions from the government.
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