加拿大论文代写 先天呼吸
Keywords:加拿大论文代写 先天呼吸

加拿大论文代写 先天呼吸
More and more children suffer congenital respiratory disease. Some reports point out air pollution can result in congenital respiratory disease through their mothers. When mothers are exposed to air pollution during their pregnancies, the embryos are also affected. It results that many children suffer congenital respiratory disease. Therefore, not only adults but also children are affected by air pollution.Air pollution can affect children before they are born. When their mothers are exposed to high levels of pollutants, these pollutants can enter the embryos’ circulation through the placentas and umbilical cord blood. The researchers, in the Environmental Working Group, who collaborated with Commonweal in New York, USA, claimed that the pollutants could enter embryo bodies through their mothers. After these pollutants enter embryos’ bodies, it will increase the rate of intrauterine growth retardation, low birth weight, pre-term birth, and perinatal morbidity. “Pregnant mothers from China exposed to high levels of ambient sulfur dioxide and particulate matter pollution have been shown to have the increased risk of preterm delivery and low infant birth weights.”When children inhale the same amount of the pollutants as adults, it causes more serious effects because children’s respiratory systems do not completely develop. In addition, because children have many activities than adults, they inhale a greater amount of pollutants. Therefore, air pollution causes more serious effects on children. Most of the ambient air pollutants are chemicals. Several oxidant air pollutants are the main causes of the respiratory system. They obstruct the signals of pathways. They also have been proved to enlarge allergens, enlarge the risk of worsening asthma and reduce lung function. They also affect the growth of children’s respiratory systems.
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