business essay代写:供应商
Keywords:business essay代写
business essay代写:供应商
Suppliers in the market have some power due to the fact that some of them provide the raw material that are exclusively produced by them and the manufacturing of the organization's product in turn depends on the availability of such raw materials. In addition, the channel members particularly the retailers in the market have high power due to the fact that the sales of cosmetic products depend on the shelf-space and the push strategy used by the retailers (DataMonitor, 2010). Most of the high-street retailers carry only those brands that have high sales and offer them high margins (Jenster, 2003). In turn the sales of the cosmetics market player are highly reliant on different suppliers in the market and in most of the circumstances due to their preferential treatment for certain brands they may push it down the channel. Due to this reason the power of suppliers in the market could be termed as moderate to high.
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