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不仅是受过教育的女孩能够抵抗和延迟怀孕但当时间来开始一个家庭,受过良好教育的女性产生较小的家庭规模,进一步为发展中国家提供经济收益和社会收益。”女性受教育的程度越高,降低所需的家庭大小和实现理想的家庭规模更大的成功。”(Levine 2006:128)的连锁反应仍在继续,女性的教育程度越来越高,他们的孩子和婴儿死亡率的降低增加健康。孩子成为一个巨大的开支,特别是当他们是不健康的,母亲的教育因此成为发展中国家的经济发展和增长的一个关键因素。”女童教育是一种已知的产生更健康的孩子的一些措施和更加繁荣,更小的家庭。”(博世2001:41)女性教育的经济前景是巨大的,有很多需要注意的教育体系既关注女性的人数也以质量教育提出。”教育和结束对妇女和女童的压迫是在发展中国家经济发展的基石。”(Kristof和邬丹2009:39)。此外,在这篇文章中,“女生教育:关键的“良性循环”的Cynthia Wagner,她继续说,投资女性教育提高公民政治参与,较低水平的性骚扰,减少性和劳动而减轻艾滋病毒/艾滋病和减少家庭暴力的年轻女性贩卖。当社会压力和不平等是缓解女性心理发生变化。女人开始体验责任和授权。他们成为自由塑造自己的生活,而不是让他们的期货和生活形为他们。女孩教育的一项基本权利,这是显而易见的,一个女孩的教育可以证明涟漪效应在她的家庭和社区。(安德列博世2001:42)它是明确的,有许多积极的影响,受益于女孩教育投资。
Not only are educated girls' able to resist and delay pregnancy but when the time comes to start a family, educated females produce smaller family sizes which further provides economic profit and social return for the developing country. "The higher the level of female education, the lower desired family size and the greater the success in achieving desired family size." (Levine 2006: 128) The ripple effect continues, as females become more educated the health of their children increases and infant mortality decreases. Children become a huge expense, especially when they are unhealthy, maternal education therefore becomes a key factor in the economic development and growth of developing countries. "Girls' education is identified as one of the few interventions known to produce healthier children and more prosperous, smaller families." (Bosch 2001: 41) The economic prospects of female education are massive and much attention needs to be paid not only to the enrolment of females in the education system but also to the quality of education being put forth. "Education and ending oppression of women and girls is the cornerstone to economic progress in the developing world." (Kristof and WuDunn 2009: 39).Furthermore, in the article, "Girls Education: Key to 'Virtuous Cycle,'" by Cynthia Wagner, she goes on to say that investing in female education will increase civic and political participation, lower levels of sexual harassment, reduce sexual and labour trafficking of young women while mitigating HIV/AIDS and reducing domestic violence. When social pressures and inequalities are alleviated from women, a psychological change occurs. Women begin to experience responsibility and empowerment. They become free to shape their own lives, rather than having their futures and lives shaped for them. Girls have a fundamental right to education and it is evident that a girls' education can demonstrate a ripple effect throughout her family and community. (Andrea Bosch 2001: 42) It is clear that there are numerous positive and beneficiary effects to the investment in girls' education.

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