
特斯拉的与众不同之处在于,它完全依靠互联网平台来推广其电动汽车和能源服务。关于他们的营销方式,特斯拉公司表示,“到目前为止,汽车销售、媒体报道和口碑是我们销售线索的主要驱动力,帮助我们在没有传统广告的情况下,以相对较低的市场成本实现销售”。在截至2017年12月31日、2016年12月31日和2015年12月31日的年度,我们的营销、促销和广告费用分别为6,650万美元、4,800万美元和5,830万美元。特斯拉通过现代社交媒体宣传建立了强大的品牌认知度。埃隆·马斯克本人通过在Twitter和Instagram等社交媒体平台上非常活跃,在公司和消费者之间建立了透明度。作为品牌的代言人,马斯克利用与品牌狂热者的交流,经常转发他们关于特斯拉的帖子,直接回答问题,大肆宣传新产品的发布和公司的扩张。尽管许多汽车制造商在电动汽车市场占有一席之地,但特斯拉未来最大的竞争对手之一是其首款电动汽车——2019年的捷豹I-Pace。具体来说,I-Place将与Model X竞争,因为它们都是市场上创新的电动suv。一些行业研究甚至声称,该模型的引入将结束特斯拉在电动SUV市场细分中的垄断地位。捷豹I-Pace对普通消费者的吸引力更大,可能会从特斯拉(Tesla)那里获得市场份额,而特斯拉的目标客户是那些希望在不使用不必要创新技术的情况下,既时尚又实用的电动汽车用户。与Model X相比,捷豹I-Pace每次充电的续航里程具有竞争力,甚至还拥有更高的马力和更快的0-60英里/小时的速度。最重要的是,捷豹I-Pace将以69,500美元的起价进入电动汽车市场,大约比Model X低10,000美元。
Tesla distinguishes itself from other manufacturers by solely relying on Internet platforms to promote its electric vehicles and energy services. In regards to their marketing approaches, Tesla Inc. states “To date, for vehicle sales, media coverage and word of mouth have been the primary drivers of our sales leads and have helped us achieve sales without traditional advertising and at relatively low market costs”. We incurred marketing, promotional and advertising costs of $66.5 million, $48.0 million and $58.3 million in the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively. Tesla has built a strong brand recognition by means of modern social media publicity. Elon Musk himself creates transparency between the company and consumers by being very active on social media platforms, such as Twitter and Instagram. As the face of the brand, Musk utilizes communication with brand fanatics, often re-tweeting their posts about Tesla and directly answering questions, to hype the release of new products and company expansions. Although many car manufacturers have a share of the electric car market, one of the biggest future competitors for Tesla is the 2019 Jaguar I-Pace, its first electric vehicle. Specifically, the I-Place will rival the Model X, as they are both innovative electric SUVs on the market. Some industry researches are even claiming that the introduction of this model will end Tesla’s monopoly of the electric SUV market segmentation. The jaguar I-Pace appeals more to the average consumer, possibly gaining market share from Tesla in the market segment of individuals looking for a stylish, yet practical electric vehicle without unnecessary innovative technology. The Jaguar I-Pace has a competitive mile range per charge to the Model X, even boasting a higher horsepower and faster 0-60 mph time. Most importantly, the Jaguar I-Pace will enter the electric vehicle market at a starting price $69,500, approximately $10,00 less than the Model X.