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另一部分侧重于性别,主要试图解释“社会建构爱”对女性自我形象的影响。妇女在教育、职业、法律和家庭观念等方面发生了根本性变化后,至少部分地离开了家庭。他们再也不能依靠男人。从传统社会如它在人类学非常不同,女性没有显示出作为商品交换的不同群体之间在所有。相反,当妇女走出家园,追求自主性和自给自足是由大多数人。妇女参加了工作,开始建立自己的事业、生活的期望和祝福(Beck &格恩斯海姆,2002)。女性也开始拥有与自己选择的人联系的权利,而不仅仅是过去的家庭成员。这种个性化绝对地影响着日常生活中的同一性和爱的建构和爱的感知。对于这个问题,威尔莫特(2007)提出了一个研究,探讨女性的教育之间的特异性相互作用,职业与男性的亲密关系。她发现有差异。通过不同的途径,通过教育和就业,这个问题的爱情或亲密可能会影响不同的设置相关。在海伦的研究中,18岁以下的全职教育往往意味着亲密关系是在一个特殊的环境中进行的。它是一个以父母生活、地理稳定等多种因素为特征的环境。所有这些因素都对浪漫有积极的影响。然而,一个更高的教育情况,可能意味着亲密关系的情况下,包括更多的地理流动性,或这种质量的趋势。威尔莫特(2007)在福柯意义上使用的话语,不仅代表谈论的方式,还包括思维方式。这种亲密或爱应该被实践。这是通过这样的亲密做法“同居”的关系,或与一个合作伙伴的生活,只有一次嫁给他们说明。


The other part focus on the gender, mostly try to explain the self image of women influenced by the “social-constructed love”. Women move at least partly outside the household as a aftermath of radical changes in education, occupation, law and family notion and so on. They can no longer rely on men. Very different from the traditional society such like it in the anthropology, women shows no treat as goods swapped between different communities at all. Instead, when women walked out of home a pursuit of autonomy and self-sufficiency is carried by most individuals. Women joined the working start to establish their own career, life expectations and wishes (Beck & Gernsheim, 2002). Women also start to own their right to link with the people they choose be themselves, not just the family members in the past. This individualization absolutely has a strong influence on the coupled identity and the love construction and love perception of daily life. For this issue, Willmot (2007) set out one research to explore the specific interplay between female’s education, career and their intimate relationships with male. She found there are differences. With different routes through education and employment, this issue of love or intimacy may effected by the different settings associated. In Helen’s research, leaving full-time education by the age of 18 tended to mean that intimate relationships were conducted within a special setting. It is a setting which characterized by many factors such as living with parents, geographical stability and so on. All these factors have positive effects on romance. A higher educational situation, however, maybe means that intimate relationships were achieved in a situation that include more geographical mobility, or the tendency for this quality. Willmot (2007) used a discourse in a foucauldian sense, to represent not only the ways of talking about, but also include ways of thinking. This intimacy or love should be practiced. This is illustrated by such intimate practices as ‘testing’ relationships via living together or living with a partner only once married to them.

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