
The term “habitus”, derived from Latin verb “habere”, is adopted by French sociologist, anthropologist, and philosopher Pierre Bourdieu in his attempt to address the questions related to human action [4]. Inspired by Marcel Mauss, Bourdieu defines habitus as a system of dispositions, which are internalized through informal experience of social interactions, by means of imitating, repeating, and role-playing, etc. Bourdieu’s concept of habitus resists three familiar schools of thought, namely the behaviorism, the rational choice, and conformity to cultural roles, norms, and rules. In Bourdieu’s point of view, behavior is culturally structured. Past knowledge from which people react is not only a production of adaptation to external structures, but also constitution of them. Bourdieu criticizes the Rational Choice Theory as he sees the conducts of people seldom follow the governess of consciousness, purpose, and rational calculation. He also sees the human action as not only adaptive to the cultural standards, but also as strategic and constitutive of them. Bourdieu explores how habitus is culturally constructed through a series of examples. In his well-known work, Distinction, Bourdieu scrutinizes the different habituses correspond to four classes, and shows how the culture of different classes shape people’s tastes and lifestyles. For example, the dominant class in France displays two types of habitus: the teachers with a disposition for austerity and purity, and the professionals with a hedonistic taste for luxuries and ostentation. University teachers in France show great interest in entertainment like mountaineering, as it give them maximum distinction, spiritual elevation and satisfaction with minimum economic costs. Interests of professionals, like the doctors and executives, are usually expressed through yachting, swimming in the open sea, or skiing across the country, which would be more costly. The sharp contrast of tastes between these two classes is mostly due to discrepancies of the capitals they can acquire, both cultural and economical. For teachers, who usually have good tastes yet not enough money to enjoy economically demanding entertainment that matches their tastes, are prone to condemn to an ascetic aestheticism.