
另一条线索,类别是不是刚性的要求包含在研究commorbidity。这些发现,人谁收到一个诊断人格障碍往往会收到另一个诊断人格障碍(西方& Shedler,2000)。这进一步证明人格障碍不是离散的。 除了人们适合哪个类别的问题外,他们是否适合任何类别的问题。在西方和西方的阿尔科维茨(1998)临床医生目前治疗神经质的人,他们发现,60%的患者目前不被归类在临床上的每个类别中的某些部分可能适合一个特定的人的调查,例如在BPD的情况下,人可以放弃一个展示真正的恐惧,但其他的症状符合绝对没有构建。这个人怎么诊断?这个人有真正的“人格障碍”吗? 从概念上讲,人格障碍的类别不是基于坚实的基础。根据DSM-IV,范畴的理论辨析应该用认知、情感、人际功能和冲动控制为基础。不幸的是,为每个人格障碍提供的标准不现实地解决每个不同的领域有足够的细节。除此之外,有没有一个单一的理论基础上的人格障碍的分类。
Another clue that the categories are not as rigid as claimed is contained in studies that examine commorbidity. Several of these have found that people who receive one diagnoses of a personality disorder will often receive another diagnosis of a personality disorder (Westen & Shedler, 2000). This is further evidence that the personality disorders are not discrete.
Quite apart from questions of which category people fit into, is the question of whether they fit into any category at all. In Westen & Arkowitz-Westen's (1998) survey of clinicians currently treating neurotic individuals they found that fully 60% of the patients could not currently be categorised under the DSM-IV. Some parts of the each category may fit with a particular person, for example in the case of BPD, the person may display a genuine fear of abandonment, but none of the other symptoms fit with the categorical construct. How is this person to be diagnosed? Does this person have a genuinely 'personality disorder'?
Conceptually, the categories of personality disorders are not based on solid ground. According to the DSM-IV, the theoretical discrimination of the categories is supposed to use cognition, emotion, interpersonal functioning and impulse control as its basis. Unfortunately the criteria provided for each of the personality disorders do not realistically address each of these different areas in enough detail. On top of this, there is no single theoretical basis on which the personality disorders are categorised.
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