Harmony is a wonderful personality trait of a teacher! Teachers need to have the ability to see both sides of an argument, and be open to listening with an open heart to both parties. I feel that when you argue with someone you should try and keep it to the minimum, and steer them towards harmony and happiness. Teachers bring the good out in students fighting by making them talk about down-to-earth things, things which matter to everyone and they can come to a single agreement on! A teacher understands where a child comes from and they're background. Maybe a child is brought up by arguing parents and confrontation and fighting is alright, well that's where I as a teacher would step in and come to an agreement and steer clear of debate. Again, my family influences me a lot and always encourages my sisters and I to work it out and to not argue. My mom is a horseback riding instructor and she also has many of these traits. She remains positive and never takes sides in an argument two of her students may be having. When it comes to harmony hurting my ambitions in life, I don't see how that is possible in any situation. Harmony is a great trait to have, especially for a teacher. Not enough teachers have this trait and I think that those are the ones that everyone dislikes. Positivity and harmony go hand and hand in the teaching world.